"Follow me, and I will catch you men." He told them that he would do it, and immediately they left their nets Matthew 5:19, 20 He was chased.” Great leaders attract followers. To go where he goes, himself A leader of others to do what he does, to share life's journey with Affects. Jesus is the greatest of all leaders. than anyone in history Many followed him. Immediately, with all his heart What does that mean when he calls his disciples to follow? A call to chase a person. Jesus to persecute the religious leaders We are not called upon. But he says, "Follow me." with himself He wants a personal relationship. He walks with me, I talk with me He tells me that he owns it. In His presence we are in His likeness Let's transform. As we pursue, He is ours every step of the way Holds his hand. A call to become something. To turn men into silk fishermen Jesus is calling us. He wanted to share the gospel of Christ with the lost people leading To make non-Christians believe in Him if you follow Him He teaches how to lead. Those who catch men are the ones closest to Jesus Pursuing Those who do not are not with Him. It is so clear. A call to let go of something. The early disciples heard the call of Jesus, They immediately abandoned their fishing and followed him. Their decision is great Bright, radical. However, in comparison to the blessings they will later experience Very little was left at the Sea of Galilee. Also, we are Jesus What we have left to chase, is more than we can imagine Jesus fills that gap with blessings. Jesus is still calling people. You say 'yes' to His call If not, do it today. Old life if you answer his call Teach Jesus to save the souls of the lost and lost. He is Obey the call today. Be His faithful and obedient disciple.