Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A healthy community February 7

Apo. Ka. 9:31

"So all the countries of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria The community had a well-being solution; And in the Lord He walked in fear and in the grace of the Holy Spirit.”I love community. Love its foundation – Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11), its fellowship, those born again (1 Peter 1:23), its future Raptured to spend eternity with Jesus (1 Thess. 4:13-18). A healthy community how about A healthy community has an answer (“has an answer”). will be Free from strife and conflict. Ministries with kindness and spiritual courtesy run Members love each other. Do not tolerate mobsters. A healthy community "thrives"). members They encourage each other. Jealousy and selfish desires do not exist. Other Every member considers the member more important than himself. A healthy community Fearful ("walks in the fear of the Lord"). Each The member is in awe of the Lord Jesus with loving wonder. He is the source of their worship. He is the vessel for their obedience and exaltation. A healthy congregation is anointed ("the grace of the Holy Spirit"). soul worship, To build proclamation, prayer, giving, ministries, plans, people Energizes. Finally, a healthy community is one that grows (“expands”). Natural product growth of good health. Those who are being saved are in the congregation of the Lord (Acts 2:47) A community that is not growing is sick And it needs healing. Local communities are not perfect. Because the pastor, the staff, the members All are sinners saved by grace. However, everything is better than the ideal world A poor community has become better. As a Christian, be involved in the local community. He loved the church and gave himself for it (Eph. 5:25). If He still loves the community, we should too!
